
Thursday, July 19, 2012


Welcome to the first edition of Review Thursdays! I hope to review a new product each Thursday so check each week to see what's up next.
This week is the Thirsties Duo Wrap. For you non-cloth diapering folks out there, this is a waterproof diaper cover. You put it on over a cloth diaper or even a disposable if you have leaking problems.
Thirsties Duo Wrap size 1 and 2. Prince charming has used both sizes of this diaper cover and we have been pleased with both.


Only 2 sizes to buy. No need for a new sized cover every few months.

The size 2 is bigger than most one-size covers on the market. If you are looking for a big cover this is pretty big.

Size 1 gets really small, smaller than most one-size covers. Great for new babies. I found out by trial and error that pairing this with a fitted diaper works good for newborns, much better in my opinion than just an insert inside. The extra elastic on the fitted contains more runny mess. ( I was also a cloth diapering novice at the time too though, and I question whether or not I was using enough absorption inside).

Wipeable on the inside, so you can reuse the cover several times until it gets soiled.

Gussetts keep all the mess in pretty well.

Price is great at around $13.

Cute color choices and cute prints.

Front flap that holds prefold or insert in place.


Snap doesn't fit all that well, at least for us, but I'm really not a snap lover on any diaper. We got a much better fit on my rolly polly baby with the Aplix version. I also enjoy the ease of using Aplix fasteners.

Aplix (Velcro) gets a little worn. It has not affected its use, but after a few months does not look as nice as it once did.

Does stain, but I feel like it would sun-out if I attempted to.

No back flap, like flip has, but it hasn't affected the functionality at all really.


Overall, I liked the size 1. I had 5 Aplix and 2 snap. We outgrew them at around 15 pounds (this is less than the 18 pounds listed on the tag). I then was able to resell these and recoup much of my money. We liked them so much that we ordered another cover in size 2. I have not been disappointed in the size 2 either. It fits prince charming on the middle setting at around 22 pounds. This does only give us 1 more setting to go, but he is pretty round. In comparison to the flip cover which now fits completely open, we do at least still have some growing room in the Thirsties.

If looking for a low-cost cover, I would buy the Thirsties Duo Wrap again, in Aplix of course.


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